The Glebe BIA

The Glebe BIA

858 Bank St #110, Ottawa, ON K1S 3W3, Canada
Description en anglais seulement.
Our sole mission at the Glebe Business Improvement Area is to help the Glebe thrive. Our not-for-profit organization represents some 370 businesses. Our goals? To champion this historic and dynamic neighbourhood, support its distinctive businesses and let the world know this is a great place to live, shop, visit and do business.

We work for the benefit of our members on a variety of initiatives and issue including on-street beautification; festivals & events; promotions like the Glebe Spree Passport campaign; parking; safety concerns; marketing initiatives; urban planning and transportation; development and construction; and tourism and economic development.

Our revenues come from fees paid by member businesses through municipal property taxes. The Glebe BIA is overseen by an elected management board with eight volunteers, one appointed municipal councillor and a full-time Executive Director and staff.
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