Chris Cotta
26 janv. 2025
18:00 HNE
Bar Populaire, Montréal
Chris Cotta
26 janv. 2025
18:00 HNE
Bar Populaire, Montréal
26 janv. 2025 | 18:00 HNE

Chris Cotta

26 janv. 2025
18:00 HNE
Bar Populaire
Montréal, Québec
26 janv. 2025
18:00 HNE
Bar Populaire, Montréal, Québec
Description en Anglais seulement

Apparently, adding harmonica is too much sensory input for his Cowboy brain, so he closes his eyes, which makes him dance and make funny faces when onstage… Ladies & gentlemen, please meet CHRIS COTTA.
Embracing a genre caught somewhere between Spaghetti Western, Ameri-folka, glimpses of Bizarro World (Yes, we swear), and some whistles from the West, this atypical songwriter brings you his first solo-crafted collection of jams driven by his unique sing-along tunes and bluntly honest style – with a knack for sarcasm.


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